The SMPC is tasked with reviewing the ICMA Secondary Market Rules & Recommendations in light of new regulation, evolving market structure, and market best practice. The SMPC looks to make revisions, or propose new rules and best practices, where appropriate. This covers all aspects of the ICMA Rules, including the Buy-in Rules. SMPC members propose and advise on the SMR&Rs in consultation with their firm’s relevant fixed income traders, as well as operations experts and legal, compliance, and regulatory policy representatives.


Andy Hill
Managing Director, Head of Market Practice; Secretary to the Secondary Market Practices Committee and also responsible for overseeing repo policy; Member of the ICMA Executive Committee
Direct line: +44 20 7213 0335

ICMA Zurich
T: +41 44 363 4222
Dreikönigstrasse 8
8002 Zurich

ICMA London
T: +44 20 7213 0310
110 Cannon Street
London EC4N 6EU
ICMA Paris
T: +33 1 8375 6613
25 rue du Quatre Septembre
75002 Paris

ICMA Brussels
T: +32 2 801 13 88
Avenue des Arts 56
1000 Brussels
ICMA Hong Kong
T: +852 2531 6592
Unit 3603, Tower 2
Lippo Centre
89 Queensway, Admiralty
Hong Kong (general enquiries) (education enquiries) (sustainable finance)
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