
Date: 24 November 2021


Event overview

The ICMA Secondary Market Forum brought together stakeholders in the European bond markets to learn more about new developments and ICMA’s extensive work and initiatives in secondary markets. This year’s event focused on two of ICMA’s key secondary market priorities: liquidity conditions in the European sovereign and corporate bond markets; and the development of an EU bond consolidated tape, the vehicle for a balanced bond transparency regime. A deep and efficient secondary bond market for Europe will be key to the success of the Capital Markets Union, particularly as economies rebuild in the aftermath of the Covid pandemic. ICMA was pleased to be joined by senior market practitioners to share their views on the current state of and outlook for Europe’s bond markets, as well the potential benefits of a post-trade, authoritative centralised bond consolidated tape.

  Welcome remarks
Bryan Pascoe, Chief Executive, ICMA

  Keynote: Bringing Europe's securities together
Kalin Anev Janse, Chief Financial Officer and Management Board Member, European Stability Mechanism
View speech

  Panel 1: Bond market transparency and consolidated tape

Moderator: Tilman Lueder, Head of Securities Markets, European Commission
Christophe Marcilloux, Head of Fixed Income Trading, Amundi Asset Management
Eric Böss, MD, Global Head of Trading, Allianz Global Investors
Angela Lobo, Head – EMEA Credit Market Structure & E Sales, Morgan Stanley
Wesley Howell, Fixed Income - Head of Emerging Markets, Jane Street Financial
Elizabeth Callaghan, Secondary Markets, International Capital Market Association
15:00   Break

  Panel 2: Conditions and outlook for European sovereign and corporate bond markets

Moderator: Andy Hill, Senior Director, Secretary to the Secondary Market Practices Committee (SMPC), ICMA
Ricky Goddard, Head of European Credit Trading, Schroders
Su Liu, Head of GBP Trading, Citi
Pauli Mortensen, Head of Rates, Norges Bank Investment Management
Andrei Serjantov, Global Head of Electronic Primary and Credit Markets, BNP Paribas

  Recap on ICMA’s secondary market work
David Camara, Goldman Sachs International; Co-Chair, ICMA SMPC
Andy Hill, Senior Director, Secretary to the SMPC, ICMA
15:55   Closing remarks
16:00   Event Close


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