Register for the Carrières au féminin, surmontez les obstacles, taking place on 23 November 2021

Cet événement aura lieu sur Zoom

Personal details

Employer details

Yes, please include my name, company name and job title on the delegate list
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Terms and Conditions

I understand that delegates must register before the event in order to be permitted to join.

I agree that ICMA shall have the right to cancel events at its own discretion for any reason (including e.g. if a sufficient minimum number of participants is not reached before the start date of the relevant event).

I understand that my reservation for the above event shall be accepted and confirmed if ICMA sends me a respective confirmation in writing within 3 business days from receipt of my completed registration form.

I agree that ICMA and its affiliate entities may retain the information supplied on this form on a database and use it for the purpose of administration, and, IF I have ticked the relevant boxes above, include my name, job title and name of my employer in a delegate list which may be available at the event or to other registered delegates in electronic form or to event partners and/or sponsors as well as for the purposes of advertising future events and promoting ICMA.

I understand that I am expected to behave in an appropriate manner when communicating with other delegates, speakers or sponsors on the virtual events platform.  I understand that ICMA is not responsible for the content of messages exchanged on the platform but reserves the right to exclude delegates who exhibit unacceptable behaviour in any form.

Please tick here to agree to the terms and conditions
I agree to the above terms and conditions
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